Tea -vs-Coffee- we reveal the health benefits of both

Tea or coffee – which do YOU prefer? From weight loss to cancer prevention, we reveal the health benefits of both Coffee and tea are good for you in different ways, studies show Tea may prevent the development of diabetes and heart attack risk It can also protect against obesity, heart disease and cancer  Those…

Your Path of Enlightenment

by Dennis Matthews In the course of working in marketing, I have developed a philosophical attitude toward solving problems put to me by other people. On the one hand, it’s my job, what I’m paid to do, dispassionately and effectively every day.  On the other hand, even I must sometimes dig really deep to find…

The Right Diet for Heart Health

The Right Diet for Heart Health There are many benefits to a healthy diet, and heart health is one of the most important. Find out which foods can improve heart health. By Connie Brichford Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH For maximum heart health, you need to eat a well-balanced diet. But what does…

In a recent post on my blog: A Gunmen Storms a School in Georgia: is Bipolar Disorder the cause? I neglected to check which version of the story I was uploading. What ended up on the post was my rough draft. This caused some readers to send me very angry comments which I can completely…

Teen suicide and Cruelty in the Media

By Dennis Matthews Every week we hear of another case of a young person committing suicide because of bullying at school, or on the internet. The all important Facebook post seems to have become the favorite place to exercise this particular form of digital cruelty. It does not help that the adults in the media…

Antioxidant Foods Can Help Your Overall Health

By Dennis Matthews I am as guilty as anyone with not always eating healthy, I’m sitting in a doughnut shop as I write this. (full Disclosure) But that doesn’t mean that I don’t try and eat health in my everyday life, your physical and mental well-being depend on it, Even though a lot of people…

Depression is one of America’s Dark Secrets

By Dennis Matthews According to the CDC, an estimated 1 in 10 (or 9.5%) adults in the US are suffering from Depression.  There is also a lot of denial about it, because we really don’t want to talk about it. Why not?  Well for one thing, it’s not an easy problem to solve. There are…

There must be something in the water: Usain Bolt

By Dennis Matthews Trelawny Parish Jamaica, is Jamaica’s fifth largest parish, but it has a produced a world champion in the sport of International Track and Field. Usain Bolt. I know, I know, this is nothing new. Usain Bolt has been around for a while now, wowing people with his speed, and sometimes over-the-top personality,…